Sunday, February 4, 2007

Urbane Meltdown 07

Urbane Meltdown 2007 took place on Feb. 2nd! The entire sim family got together for a giant snow and ice melting party in the Square. We gathered together at 7pm, for a night of music, dancing, ice skating, and craziness (of course!). Several vendors gave away GREAT items they donated for raffle prizes: Dnel DaSilva of Xessories, Celeste Lehane of Celestial Secrets, Heart Wishbringer & Joe Stravinsky of Heart's Desire, SexyEyes Valkerie of AFantasy Emporium, Sunn Thunders ofSunnTee, Rose Farina of Rose Petal Creations, Carl Metropolitan of CMD Gallery, Xenophon Cyr, Me of Quixotic Trance, Nogard Codesmith of Wo0T Games, and of course Mr. DoteDote Edison who gave himself as one of the "grand prizes"(Dote you are a crack-up). LOL Special thank you to everyone who donated, and make Urbane what it is today! *hugs*
I'd also like to thank my good pals, Champie Jack and JetBlue Flyer who helped decorate and write some scripts for some things we needed for the party. I also thank each and every one who come out to support Urbane by your purchases from the many shops on Urbane as well as hanging out and playing games on our event area "The Lot".
We are planning for the Urbane 1 Yr Anniversary party that will be coming up really soon! Wow a whole year on the island already! We all had some really nice things to say the night of the party. Dnel made a couple of speeches throughout the night that were very heart felt, hugs and thanks were thrown all around that night, you couldn't have asked for a better time than we had. Needless to say after about 4 hours of Dj'n I was very tired, and even though my net started acting stupid and I lost stream toward the end of the party, we all still had a really great time. If I can get a picture from the night I will get it posted in here, I was so busy I actually didn't get any pictures! :O I know...Xar the Picture Takin Queen didn't get one picture! Is it the end of the world? LOL
Well I told you from the beginning that I will be days behind on my blog, and here it is, days later and I've finally gotten around to posting again. If you see big gaps don't be alarmed, I'm just an uber busy person. hehe
Ok ending this now, much love to you all, and thanks again for all your hard work and dedication! As we stick out the bugs and lag together may our SL be all we ever wanted it to be and more!
Xar :)

1 comment:

Figgy said...

Yay for par-tays!! Can't wait to do it all over again for the 1 year anniversary with the awesome DJ and her 80's music! :D Thanks Xar!