Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Happy 2 yr SLirthday to me!

Yayy Happy SLirthday to me! So I guess it's offical, if you have spent 2 yrs inside SL you are completely and totally addicted. LOL I didnt go all out this year planning a party or anything, actually it's now almost 11pm here at my home, and I havent even logged in today...I KNOW I'm going to hear about this from my buddies. "Here we waited on you to log in, and you decide to show up when we have all logged off." RL over SL I've always said, not always practiced, but I've tried! It's hard to pull yourself away from your thoughts, and creativities, and extremely hard to pull yourself from great people and conversations. I do not regret any part of my SL so far. I have met a lot of different people from all walks of life, some I hold as my very close friends, even though we have never met face to face in the real world. Sound crazy? Well if you are another devout SL'er you know exactly what I mean. I have went from total gamer n00b to an uber g33k, ok maybe I havent reached full on g33k status yet, but I'm VERY close. When you choose fixing your computer over a cracked windshield in your car, I'd say you are pretty close to either g33k or full on nutty.
At this time I want to just thank all of my customers who have supported me and fueled my creativity over the last 2 yrs. I really want to thank all my great friends I have made in SL, who have stuck beside me through all the ups and downs. If it werent for great friends, there would be no reason for me to log into SL everyday. I want to thank my ISP for keeping my net up and running. Want to thank my loving husband for supporting me during my "crazy on SL for days" periods. I want to thank dell support for the first year that I played SL to keep my computer in top shape to run SL, even though the computer barely held up due to my insane amount of time on SL. I want to thank for hooking me up with great deals on PC parts that made it possible for me to have a computer that actually works somewhat properly with SL. Why am I thanking people on my birthday like I've won some "oldbe award" here? geeshh, it's late what can I say? Anyway to wrap this up and get in game...I love you all! Wishing myself many more years in SL, ya know or at least until it all crashes and burns, and then we meet back up in yahoo chat, ewwwww yahoo chat! *bites tongue*

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